The feature below is brought to you by the HIVE, an organization that is in the running to receive a See Beautiful Grant. For more information about all of our giving initiatives, please click here. To learn more about the HIVE, please visit their website page: here. Rebooting the system for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities Helen Keller once said that the best and most beautiful things in the world must be felt in the heart, and one example of this is the community and learning center at HIVE, Inc. “The HIVE” exists to break down barriers and erase stereotypes for teens and adults with disabilities in South Central Kentucky, offering unique opportunities for teens and adults to make informed choices, build relationships, experience respect, and be contributing members of their communities. What’s more beautiful than that?! The philosophy behind the HIVE is unique...The HIVE is not an adult daycare, and we do not bill insurance or state waiver funds for services. This is to ensure that our programming is available to ANYONE with a disability, regardless of insurance type, waiver status, or other socioeconomic factors. This is particularly important because many state waiver services and government programs/funding are exhausted or have long “wait lists” and there are few options available for continuing education or social connections beyond high school for adults with disabilities. 63% of people with disabilities will not enroll in post-secondary education due to barriers like accessibility and lack of teacher training. This lack of services and resources leaves individuals with disabilities and their families isolated and without support needed for future success. Our members can use existing support persons (Community Living Support workers, therapists, case management, family caregiver, etc.) to participate in activities. We emphasize peer-led programming, with classes often taught by college students, and encourage HIVE members to teach others the skills they’ve mastered. We believe that having people with whom you are truly connected and a place to belong is key to success in life! At the HIVE, teens and adults who have intellectual, physical, or developmental disabilities can participate in a variety of activities on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to develop skills related to habilitation, advocacy, information/networking, volunteerism and vocation, continuing education, developing and maintaining friendships and natural supports, and exploring hobbies and interests. Program participants have unique opportunities at the HIVE that include classes like yoga, music, and art; workshops on Disability Rights and Avoiding Abuse & Exploitation, learning vocational skills “hands-on” through our vending machine business, and participating in coordinated, adapted volunteer opportunities. In addition, HIVE members can take part in a special program to learn about advocacy and environmental education! Through our environmental education and advocacy program, teens and adults with disabilities learn advocacy skills and then go to local schools, businesses and other organizations to teach people about the impact of honeybees on the environment. Through this program, participants learn skills needed to advocate for themselves and bees (professional communication, public speaking, using technology, etc). The schools, businesses and organizations that participate in the program receive environmental education, complete an activity that helps the environment (i.e. gardening, building bee houses, discontinuing pesticide use, recycling, etc.) and simultaneously learn disability etiquette...that people who have disabilities are able to contribute to the community and deserve the same opportunities as any other person! Currently, the HIVE serves approximately 80 individuals and their families, 6 professional service provider agencies, and 6 school systems across 5 counties in Kentucky. Through community partnerships and advocacy programming, we are reaching approximately 200 people per month. We envision a barrier-free community in which all individuals may live, work, and enjoy access to limitless opportunities as valued citizens, and we are working to make that a beautiful reality for the people we serve! Want to See Beautiful? Check out the opportunities given at the HIVE that allow strong, inspiring people to lead fulfilling, beautiful lives. You can catch a glimpse at, on Facebook at, or Instagram at Submitted by Jessica WilsonProgram Director, the HIVE
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