See Beautiful is committed to anti-racism: the act of interrupting and ending racism. We affirm our commitment to recognizing, addressing and eradicating all forms of racism and ethnic oppression on a personal and professional level. We focus on engaging and collaborating in products development, service and serving, and giving that challenge oppression and racial and social injustice.
We work to reduce racial injustices both within the work place and the broader community. We are united in the pursuit to end racial and ethnic, systemic racial and social injustice, and to empower our community towards this collective goal.
We acknowledge that individuals are in various places on their own anti-racist journey. We also understand bias can be unconscious or unintentional and racism is the combination of social and institutional power plus racial prejudice. As an anti-racist community, we will purposefully strive to learn, identify, discuss and challenge issues of race, color, ethnicity, inclusion, justice and the impacts they have on our community and our continued commitment to anti-racism work.
We are committed to: 1. Affirm explicitly and in united solidarity our identity as an anti-racist company;
2. Individual and community-wide exploration and examination of implicit bias and systemic advantage/oppression, and white privilege such that our anti-racism commitment be reflected in our practices as we continue to learn about racism, anti-racism, white privilege and ethnic oppression:
3. The development and implementation of strategies and best-practices that dismantle racism, racial injustice and inequity, and ethnic oppression within all aspects of our serving, product development, marketing, giving, and content to our community and society;
4. Learning from Black activists and leaders to correct racial injustice and inequities and gain a better understanding of how we can grow our anti-racist work to dismantle racism within all aspects of our company and society at-large; and
5. Continual learning, which makes this statement of commitment to anti-racism a working document to be updated as progress is made and new learning unveils new commitments to eradicating racism and racial and social injustice and inequities.